Thursday, March 3, 2016

Guest Bloggers

We are opening up our blog to guest bloggers.  My daughter, Meghan, is working on a piece about why she loves to ride motorcycles--which I look forward to reading because her father and I hate them and have tried our best to frighten her to death about them.  So stay tuned!

My dear friend, Anita Tate, is not afraid to give advice on a variety of topics.  I have talked her into writing a guest column called "Anita Knows."  It will be similar to the old "Hints from Heloise"--if any of you are old enough to remember that newspaper column.  Trust me when I say that Anita is chock full of good ideas about a wide variety of topics.  Go Anita, go!

So who else would like to jump on board and write a Guest Blog Post?  You don't have to be a good writer.  I will be happy to proofread and edit any guest posts--or not!  You decide.  I know many of you--Sue Riss Pellish I am pointing at you--have great ideas and are flirting with blogging yourself.  Why not jump in here and get your feet wet?  The water is fine!

So many of you are experts in your own special areas of interest.   Donna Sell Kohlhepp is our resident expert on all issues of women's health and thyroid issues.  I may try to twist her arm about writing a guest blog post.  May I suggest something like, "Myths we are all taught to believe about thyroid issues/ women and aging / planning multiple weddings??"  I'm just throwing out ideas here!

Writing our blog has certainly helped Cindy and I to expand upon our own writing skills.  Having loosened up our fingers on the keyboard (or by holding a fountain pen), we have both launched ourselves into fiction writing again after a dry spell of many years.  So who knows where guest writing may take you?   If you are interested at all in providing our blog with a Post just email me.  You can also Post a Comment below.

This isn't just limited to women writers.  Dan Kohlhepp has some wonderful Old Man Stories that would certainly make interesting reading on our blog.  David Parrott is working on a new novel that could appear on our blog in serial form--like Charles Dickens did with his novels back in Victorian Days.  Gary Magee has a wealth of information about what he has learned about being a bee keeper that he needs to share with the world.

Don't be shy.  Now is your chance to start writing for a real audience.  Everybody has a story to tell, and we all know more than we think we do.  So why not accept the challenge of the tag line in the Nike ad,  "Just Do It" !!!


  1. This is where you can post your comments or questions.

  2. I second that emotion! We have big families and friends who are not shy about speaking their minds, so bring it on! This will be a virtual salon, a place to share ideas and express ourselves.
